In 1993, ACAL began meeting on a weekly basis to protect the environment from the Oneida-Herkimer Solid Waste Authority (OHSWA), a New York State Public Authority, that sited a mega landfill in one of the wettest areas in New York State, where annual rain and snowfall far exceeds most other regions in the state. With the support of local municipalities, Veterans and local citizens, ACAL’s dedicated 13-year effort, including extensive litigation, was unable to stop the construction of the politically motivated and controversial 1,039-acre landfill, which sadly, opened on October 24, 2006.
Organized to fight Landfill
ACAL continues its efforts to conserve the environment in the Southern Tug Hill Region by partnering with other environmental organizations to conserve natural resources throughout the state and region.
Now that the OSHWA landfill in Ava is up and running, ACAL’s primary focus remains protecting the rural towns of Ava, Boonville, Lewis and Leyden – which are at risk for pollution from the landfill.
ACAL supports the work of Tug Hill Tomorrow Land Trust, Citizens of Cattaraugus County, Freshwater Future, and other grassroots organizations working hard to conserve rural towns and resources throughout New York State.
Conserving Rural Towns
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
- Margaret Mead
Adirondack Communities Advisory League (ACAL) was incorporated as a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization on August 12, 1993. Consisting of an eleven member board of directors, committee chairpersons, and members, ACAL was formed to conserve the environment in the southern region of the Tug Hill Plateau. ACAL’s work encompasses research, writing letters and articles, fund raising events, media campaigns, public forums, peaceful protests, and litigation to ensure the water, land, air and wildlife in the rural townships of Ava, Boonville, Lewis and Leyden are not being threatened or in danger of becoming polluted.
Founded in 1993
About Us