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Photo by Gene Hayes

Board of Directors

It is with pride and great appreciation that ACAL honors Ned Ross and Alex Stempien for their insight and dedication in forming Adirondack Communities Advisory League in 1993. Their hard work and personal sacrifice gave ACAL the foundation to build a viable grassroots organization. Thank you Ned and Alex!
Our Gratitude:
Ned Ross - Former ACAL Chairman and Founding Member
Alex Stempien - Former ACAL Vice Chairman and Founding Member
Honorary Directors:
David Mathis - Town of Ava Zoning Board, Former Ava Town Supervisor
MaryAnn McGrath - Director of Fundraising
Joan VerSchneider - Former Town of Boonville Councilperson
Ian Klingbail, Chairman
Jean Kent, Treasurer
Kathy Mathis, Secretary
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